Unhide file or folder that hide by Virus

now a lot of virus one of the the effect can make document or our folder losts. . ! !
may be we estimate that document or folder lost permanent, don't take decision formerly. .
try you can investigate via command prompt (cmd),

with typing e: (if drive that we repair drive e: )
so now position drive is bing
e: \>
then type mer/a to investigate to what document or folder still there or lost permanent, be
e: \>dir/a
if still there, mean your destiny stills luck. .
hhaaaaahahaha. .
but if there is no hope to sorrow, hhhahahhhhahaha. .
manner return it with mengeti attrib -s -h /d /s, so be
e: \>attrib -s -h /d /s
hope wait a minute, because this process is enough wants time. .
and if finished, so will return to be
e: \>

well, now document or your file has returned to originally


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